Friday 29 August 2008

Helping The Medicine Go Down

�Getting short Doug and Debbie to take a spoonful of medicine is more than just a rite of passage for frustrated parents. Children's refusal to swallow liquid medication - and their tendency to vomit it game up - is an important public health problem that means longer or more serious illness for thousands of kids each year. In the case of HIV and AIDS pediatrics, missing a dose can be a life or death scenario.

In a report presented at the 236th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Julie A. Mennella, Ph.D., described how knowledge from basic inquiry on the chemical senses explains why a child's rejection of bitter medicament and alimentary but bitter-tasting foods like spinach and other green vegetables is a reflection of their basic biology.

"Children's rejection of unpalatable medications and bitter-tasting foods is a composite product of maturing centripetal systems, genetic variation, experiences and culture," says Mennella, a researcher with the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia.

She says that children ar born with a practically stronger preference for dulcet flavors, naturally attracting infants to mother's milk. This heightened druthers for sweets continues even in their teenage age. By late adolescence, kids start to outgrow their sugary predilection.

"A better savvy of the sensory earthly concern of the child - and the scientific footing for antipathy and how to better it - is a public health priority," states Mennella.

Mennella investigates the role of early experience as a minor develops their unique sense of taste and olfaction. In the process, she ultimately hopes to discover ways of creating more than palatable medicines and getting kids to eat their greens more readily.

"The number one reason for noncompliance among children when pickings medicine or eating vegetables is that they don't like the taste," says Mennella. "Just look at a child's face when they're eating some of these things!"

The root of this bitter problem lies in human taste buds, or mouthful receptors. While there are only a few receptors for sweet flavors, phylogenesis imbued world with roughly 27 for bitterness. In prehistoric times, this heightened sensitivity to bitterness prevented early humankind from feeding toxic plants or other unsavory and possibly poisonous fare. "Bitter taste is a sensation that evolved to make you non want to ingest something," says Mennella.

Unfortunately, most of the chemicals in the pharmacist's cookery book are plant-derived and therefore inherently caustic. Some of more strong drugs like certain AIDS medications for children ar even less pleasant - they ofttimes smell bad and cause mouth irritation.

For some medications, masking the bitterness is possible by encapsulating the bitter chemical in oral contraceptive pill or pad form, or by victimisation special "bitter blockers" that numb the tongue's receptors. But many children have trouble swallowing pills, so liquid formulations are requisite. Adding gratifying tastes and flavors that children like helps the medicine go down.

Unfortunately, Mennella says its extremely hard to disguise the flavors of some of the truly biting liquid medicines. A better understanding of bitter preference receptors may yield new ways of overcoming these unpleasant flavors.

A recent explosion in gustatory modality and smelling research lED to the identification of genes that code for certain bitter taste receptors. Mennella's team showed that a mutation in the TAS2R38 cistron is coupled to the perception of bitterness in children and their parents. The researchers found that while parents with this variation were sensitive to certain virulent compounds, their children were most sensitive of all.

"It is interesting because it may suggest that children have heightened bitter sensitivity compared to adults," states Mennella.

Babies begin developing their unique tasting profile spell still in the uterus. What a mother eats while pregnant and nursing enhances a newborn's acceptance of foods. "We find that the more a mother chuck fruits when she's pregnant, the more than a kid will accept fruits and vegetables," says Mennella.

The finish that a child grows up in also plays a immense role in their development of penchant and feel. For grounds, Mennella points to the flavorings found in children's medicine around the public. "In England, there is a lot of lemon flavor added to children's medicine. It's a cultural phenomenon. Bubblegum and cerise are popular in the United States," according to Mennella.

When children cannot or will non take medicines in encapsulated form, methods to reduce the bitterness in limpid medications suit medically important. Failure to consume medication may do the kid harm, and in some cases, whitethorn be life threatening, according to Mennella. She says that pharmaceutic companies will benefit from more basic research on bitter taste and how to meliorate it.

"It is one of the cardinal mysteries of human behaviour - why do we grow to like these foods and flavors that we initially rejected?"

Adam Dylewski

The American Chemical Society - the world's largest scientific society - is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress and a spheric leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices ar in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.


Charmayne Marsh

Michael Bernstein
American Chemical Society

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